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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The most Patient Cop Ever

Now I know some of you saw this on Barstool today. For those who live under a rock, or at least don't read awesome blogs...Barstool

But I have a bigger point to make. This video perfectly illustrates the difference between America and Europe. Our mentalities are just different. Don't believe me? Try this.

Go out to a bar wherever. Bring along a pink thong and matching dildo. Upon drinking enough to be stumbling all over the place like Helen Keller, wait for police intervention.

Here's where my point comes in. A cop responds to your drunk ass, and here's the moment of truth. In the U.S. when a cop cites you for public intoxication, he beats you. We see that in Germany this rule is quite lax. Then if you try to run from the officer, further beating and handcuffing, probably with a night stick shot to the sack mixed in. In Germany, they just chase you down and sit you in a bush. Now heres the good stuff. The cop in Germany reacts to being poked with a pink dildo by simply putting in the bike basket. In the United States this would be dealt with differently.

When you poke the likely homophobic peace officer with your secret dildo. He will turn and abruptly poke you back, with a closed fist. After you stumble, he will beat you like Rodney King,mace your eyes, break both your legs and possibly insert aforementioned dildo into your ass in the process. In Germany, the cop kinda likes it and barely notices. Never in Amurrica.

Oh, and if you're a girl, obviously the cop will just violate you with your pink weapon of pleasure and send you on your way. The American cop...would do the same.

I'm just saying
This is a win for drunken dildo wielding criminals in Germany and everywhere.

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