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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fucking Hezbollah

So apparently in Lebanon they are governed by a Cabinet of 30 ministers, headed by the Prime Minister. According to reports ten of these ministers, loyal to the extremist group Hezbollah, are stepping down from their posts. One more minister is expected to step down within hours, forcing the government to dissolve. They are stepping down because of a U.N. run tribunal investigating the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri. Basically Hezbollah thinks the tribunal is an Israeli with hunt targeting their members. For some reason, eleven of the ministers resigning will fuck up the entire Lebanese government. Full story here. And here.

Informative pictures? Say what?

The problem of course is if the government collapses, it could reignite the civil war that ended in Lebanon in 1990. The problem with civil war of course, is that Hezbollah will win. They have the backing of both Iran and Syria, and have there own strong paramilitary arm. If they were to start a civil war in Lebanon, the government that comes out of the ashes will surely be heavily influenced, if not being outright controlled, by them. Of course as far as the U.S. is concerned, this will boil over when Israel inevitably tries to either stop Hezbollah from winning the civil war, or just fucks their day up when its over. Welcome to another war in the Middle East. Great.

So let me get this straight? In Lebanon to destroy the government you only need one-third of the ministers in the Cabinet? Sounds like idiot-democracy to me. I'm still not sure why the fuck that makes sense. But all I'm saying is the shit is going to hit the fan over in that sandbox over there.

1 comment:

  1. here's my list of places to never visit:

    the middle east

    that's it.
