Okay I made the mistake of listening to conservative radio on the way home this morning and they were making a point that drove me fucking crazy. Whoeverthefuck was talking was mad that some liberal said that Sarah Palin was attractive and articulate but not intelligent. And the guy was going berserk, it's sexism! Misogynist! Dude, you guys got Bush elected and he couldn't even speak at the level a normal person does. Be happy she is at least articulate. And how the fuck is it sexist to say she's arttactive but doesn't grasp the issues? That is an exact description of Sarah Palin. For instance.
Palin's stance on education: Protecting our "cubs". Her and various Tea Party "Mother Bears" say they are for protecting our "cubs" yet she is for cuts to education like the wrists of an emo kid. That makes a lot of sense Sarah.
Look at this shit off of her website SarahPAC.
"SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!"
A historical Renaissance? The Republican Party? What the fuck. This is supposed to be a website describing her stances, and I don't know, maybe like how to accomplish anything in the real world? What the fuck is this empty rhetoric? Jesus joseph and doggy-style Mary she sure seems engaged with the issues. And if anything a Renaissance comes from progressive political elements, not conservative. It just makes no sense. And idiot Americans in Indiana eat this shit up.
Another Gem from SarahPAC.
"SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves."
So what the fuck are you going to DO about it Sarah? You know these are what we want and deserve so you'll continue allowing drilling for oil in Alaska? What the fuck, if this stupid bitch is on the presidential ticket, the Dems better win. And yeah I said it, she's an attractive, articulate, dumb, bitch. Going to cry and call me sexist because your candidate knows as much about alternative energy as my toaster.
You know what I want her to run against Obama, just for the sole purpose of seeing the debates. Can you imagine this cooz talking about "protecting our cubs" as a retort to how Obama will try to save our education system? And the worst part is, conservatives will think she won the debate. Try having a real opinion on anything besides "The shooting in Arizona was a tragedy." Moron.
the republicans strategy seems to be to get someone as ignorant as the majority of americans to run, or someone that appeals to the pervasive ignorance of our culture. ie reagan and bush jr. there are no ethics in our politics or businesses anymore.