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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Arent we in on the Change?

Okay so like literally every country right now is having anti-government protests. Shit is hitting the fan peoples.

In Egypt the largest protest to date is going on today, with 2 million participants. Opposition leaders are giving Mubarak until Friday to leave, if he doesn't, well who the fuck knows how the shit will hit the fan.

The President of Jordan has dismissed his government amid pressure against him in his country.

And the good old frozen tundra of Russia had protests of about 500 people on Monday to protest Putin's autocratic reign, citing the similarities between his government and Mubarak's in Egypt. About 60 people were arrested, because Putin don't play that shit.

In Yemen people are also still protesting their government and the dire poverty that plagues that country.

So my question, which I've asked again, is how come no one protests in the U.S.? I think it's because half of us don't give a fuck and the other half are convinced that our system works, even though it doesn't. So when the going hit the streets, Americans hit up Taco Bell for some beef-food. Darwin Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. ignorant ass americans wouldn't even know what to protest for. get almost half a mil together for any given football tailgate, but try and change the way we are ruled by the uber elite? no way mr buddleston.
