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Monday, March 28, 2011

Can't Pay the Bills? Be a Sex Worker!

So I came across this article from 34th Street Magazine about how all the tuition increases from recent years are driving college students into the "sex industry". In other words, strippers, whores, "foot fetish" models, etc. Anything where you get paid by lonely old men to walk on them barefoot or give them a rim job is included.

Here's a little snippet, the piece is long. It's funny and disturbing though, the perfect mix.

From 34th Street:
Susan gets paid a base rate of $20 for a five–minute lap dance. For anything else that men request during these private sessions, she says, the price is negotiable. Typically, that “anything else” refers to the opportunity to massage, lick or suck her feet. Often, she is asked to put her feet in a man’s face or walk on his chest.

Still, it’s the more unique requests that Susan finds most interesting.
“Last night, this one guy…” she grins and shakes her head. “He brings a mirror with him and has me pretend that I’m Regina George from Mean Girls. And so I have to stand there and say ‘I’m so pretty’ and act like a snotty sorority bitch, while he rolls on the floor and has me choke him with my feet.”

Jesus man, this shit is heavy. I mean I understand there are plenty of weirdo old dudes who like girls strangling them with their feet while they beat off or something. But Mean Girls skits? That's fucking bizarre.

Oh yeah, walk on me with those puppies
And look, honestly I respect women who strip. They may have no souls and daddy issues a mile long, but they don't always fuck for cash. This bitch takes weirdos into some private room and does who knows what to them with her feet. I'm sure a quick footskie is the good news.

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