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Monday, November 28, 2011

When Will Airlines Admit my Phone Won't Kill Us?

From the NY Times:
Millions of Americans who got on a plane over the Thanksgiving holiday heard the admonition: “Please power down your electronic devices for takeoff.”

And absolutely everyone obeyed. I know they did because no planes fell from the sky. No planes had to make an emergency landing because the avionics went haywire. No planes headed for Miami ended up in Anchorage. We were all made safe because we all turned off all our Kindles, iPads, iPhones, BlackBerrys and laptops, just as the Federal Aviation Administration told us to. Realistically speaking, I’m going to bet that a handful of people on each flight could not be bothered, or forgot to comply.

According to the F.A.A., 712 million passengers flew within the United States in 2010. Let’s assume that just 1 percent of those passengers — about two people per Boeing 737, a conservative number — left a cellphone, e-reader or laptop turned on during takeoff or landing. That would mean seven million people on 11 million flights endangered the lives of their fellow passengers.

Yet, in 2010, no crashes were attributed to people using technology on a plane. None were in 2009. Or 2008, 2007 and so on. You get the point.

This is sort of a glaring airline douchebag point that really pisses me off. At least getting sexually harassed on the causeway is for security. But I mean we've all been there, you go to the bathroom halfway through the flight and realize you left your phone on. And nothing happens.

Why do the airlines even try to insist that electronic devices disrupt something about flying a plane? We all know it doesn't. They might as well just say "Please turn off all electronic devices because we fuckin' said so." At least the body scanners and pat-downs are to prevent a terrorist from carrying a cock-bomb onto a plane. But I mean if sending a text were going to risk a plane crash, do people really think the airlines would let us on the plane with them at all?

What about everyone who flies private and yaps on their phone the whole fucking time they are in the air? Why don't they get harassed about their phones? Oh right because they payed 50 grand for the jet so I guess that earns them the right to not be treated like an idiot.

The transmissions from airplanes are on completely different frequencies than our cell phones, and an airplane is made to resist interference from devices outside of the planes electronic circuits, so what the fuck?

The point is, airlines, we aren't all retards. We know our phone won't fuck up the plane, so just admit that you just don't want everyone on the plane blabbing on their phones, that is the obvious truth.

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