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Monday, December 6, 2010

And Boom Goes the Free Speech

So, as everyone's already heard like 3409580 times, last week there was a fresh round of classified document's which were leaked by Wikileaks. The documents run the gamut from commentary on foreign leaders to information about the Iraq and Afghan wars. Wikileaks has had to be fairly mobile lately as their website has been under attack, probably from our government I'd wager. There are still alive, here.

Which brings me to this new story. Apparently a State Department employee warned students of Columbia's prestigious school of International and Public Affairs that posting about Wikileaks on their Facebook or Twitter pages would put any future job prospects in jeopardy. The email to students basically says that by talking about Wikileaks on your Facebook it shows that you cannot keep classified documents secret, a must if one wants a job in any corrupt Federal organization.

The laughable part of this is the obvious scare tactic. The documents are ALREADY leaked. If i post the link on my blog, it doesn't really mean I'm the one leaking them, I'm just bringing them to a few more peoples' attention. But if you've watched the news in the past week or surf online, you already know they are out there, and one Google search brings you to them.But these Columbia kids, I'm sure they all deleted their Facebook's and Twitter's after this, dumb pricks.

The thing I find most ridiculous is this. How do these leaks happen? Sounds to me like our government is leakier than the Titanic. How come all these classified documents can somehow weasel their way into the light? I don't think the government is aloud to bitch about Wikileaks. With the Federal budget, especially defense spending, they should be able to secure their own classified material, or deal with the consequences of not being able to do so. Douchbags, like anyone wants to work for liars and thieves anyway. I hope I can never get a job in the State Department because of this fucking blog post. Fuck your couch anyway. I can hear the boots outside. Oh how I love Mondays.

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