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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We Approve: Obama in 2011

So this week Republicans take control of the House, but a new Gallup Poll has revealed that for the first time since May, Obama's approval rating is above 50%. Of course break it down by political party and it's same shit different day. 80% of Democrats approve of Obama, while only 16% of Republicans approve of the job he's been doing. The key for him is the 47& approval of Independents. The President elected (or re-elected) in 2012 will have to rely heavily on the growing number of Independents in the U.S.

Straight cash homie

In the past few weeks Obama has made more progress than any other week of his presidency other than the passing of the "Obamacare" bill.
  1. Got "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repealed.
  2. Got a new version of the START Treaty passed
  3. Passed a bill to provide medical benefits to 9/11 first responders
  4. He addressed the tax situation by continuing the Bush Tax cuts, cutting taxes for the struggling middle class
Not to shabby, I must say. The problem is, what will happen in 2011? Will he continue this success, even with a Republican House?

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