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Monday, May 2, 2011

If You Think Osama's Death Changes Anything...

You are the worst kind of moron. Look, I'm not saying it is a bad thing that Bin Laden is dead. But it matters about as much to current world issues as my last poop.

Reason 1: He Wasn't Doing Shit - Since 9/11 Osama Bin Laden hasn't been connected to ANY terrorist activity in the slightest. Since boots touched down in Afghanistan he has been holed up in the mountains just trying to not die. Yeah, real dangerous. Do you people pay attention to any news besides the news that interrupts The Apprentice? Retards.

Reason 2: Killing One Makes Killing Thousands Okay? - Alright, 9/11 was terrible. But here are the numbers. in 9/11 over three thousand people were killed between the Pentagon attack and the World Trade Center. In the Iraq war, 900,338 people died. Including 864,531 Iraqi civilians. Think about that. We killed almost a million people to get at this one guy. Three thousand deaths versus a million.

Reason 3: Other Terrorists Are Doing More - Right now terrorist cells in Yemen and Africa are coming to the forefront. But of course the government will tell you Bin Laden was still the biggest threat, and why's that? Because they killed him.

Reason 4: He Can't Do Shit Alone - Do you fucking morons seriously think one dude was just pondering one day and came up with 9/11? A terrorist attack of that magnitude requires hundreds of people and millions of dollars. Most of his top people are already dead, so what the fuck was he going to do all by himself in the mountains with US troops all over Afghanistan?

Reason 5: We Still Can't Leave Afghanistan - I know Obama thinks it will be all great and we will slowly start pulling troops out but guess what? We fucked that country to shit just for this one douchebag and now we are stuck in there for the long haul unless we want to pull out and have a civil war ensue. And we fucked up Iraq basically to distract you morons from the fact that we couldn't kill Bin Laden, and now we did, and that doesn't put Iraq back together.

Again, I'm not saying this isn't news-worthy. But I can already tell people will be bugging out about it for the next month, and that is retarded. A symbolic victory versus thousands of soldiers and civilians killed to find this fucker. Sounds to me like he won.


  1. True that it doesnt change much. But where on Earth do you get your sources? "Including 864,531 Iraqi civilians. " Uh try just over 100,000 (http://www.iraqbodycount.org/,http://usliberals.about.com/od/homelandsecurit1/a/IraqNumbers.htm)

    When you say osama hasnt been "connected to ANY terrorist activity in the slightest." Just makes me lol.

    Osama has been connectted to attacks on Britian, Germany, and France. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/8037852/Osama-bin-Laden-plotted-Mumbai-style-attacks-on-Europe.html)

    Your entire blog makes me lol.

  2. @ Anonymous
    hey dumb ass ever heard of loose change 9/11? you should seriously take a look at that. Our government is Fucking our nation up. fuckin dumb ass you are blind to everything going on around you

  3. my numbers include all civilians and iraq military losses as well, the source is posted.

  4. @Anonymous ... you're stupidity make me lol this blog is hilarous you should be ROFLLMAO-ing or fucking off

  5. ^anonymous has obviously never done any research... just sit back and soak up that media news

  6. Mr Hodge, your point about the number of deaths would be well taken if it did not suffer a fatal flaw. If you're suggesting, as I believe you to be, that the war was unjustified in that it traded 900,000 people (a contentions number in and of itself) for the life of one man, or even 3,000 and one. The scope of the war was not the destruction of Osama, that was merely its pretext. It was, at least purportedly, a democratizing war (which I consider semi-paradoxical), and was in reality a war to secure a pro-American outpost in the Middle East in the name of military and economic security. I think either way its unjustified, but to suggest both wars were fought simply out of vengeance is inaccurate.
