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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Scientology is Fuckin' Weird

From Dailymail:
A former Scientologist has claimed she was imprisoned for 12 years on board a cruise liner after her family denounced the religion.
Valeska Paris says she was held against her will aboard the church's luxury 'cathedral' ship The Freewinds from the age of 18.
Ms Paris, who now lives in Australia, alleges she was forced into hard labour and was never allowed to leave the ship without an escort.
Valeska Paris says she was held against her will aboard the church's luxury ship

In an interview with the ABC News Lateline program, Ms Paris claims Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige sent her to the ship to stop her family from pulling her out of the organisation.
'I was basically hauled in and told that my mum had attacked the church and that I needed to disconnect from her because she was suppressive,' she said.

Scientology is the weirdest thing ever. Aliens, weird practices, forced labor on cruise ships and shit. I mean just imagine what they do on this cruise ship? Human sacrifices to our alien overlords? The religion that made Tom Cruise a psychopath apparently is way weirder than I thought.

1 comment:

  1. we should start a 'religion', and attract 'funds' from our 'believers'
