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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thank God The House Dems Have Balls

This morning in Caucus, House Democrats rejected Obama's proposal for extending the Bush Tax Cuts. They do not like an estate-tax provision which is too generous for the wealthy. They want the bill reworked before it can go to a vote.

This should be a breath of fresh air for liberals in America. Our president was ready to sell-out to the Republicans. And the House Democrats are now showing him what's really fucking good. Be tough, tax the rich, fuck 'em it's a recession. They will make it through, trust me. Now they are saying, okay Obama-douche, try again, with some feeling this time. And I fucking agree.

Obama didn't include the House in the negotiations, it was the Senate primarily, and not the House is pissed, as they should be. Many members went on the record talking about how Obama should have at least attempted to pressure Republicans on something. Show some life man, all this let's be friends bullshit with Republicans is retarded, they're going to have control soon enough, so while they don't, push your agenda, it's politics, not a tea party.

1 comment:

  1. it was warren buffett or george soros i believe that was talking about how he paid less % in taxes than someone making 50k a year, go america!
