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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Don't Americans Protest?

Okay, I was just reading this story about students in Rome rioting to protest budget cuts to state-run universities. Not too bad, no injuries, just some sacred-as-fuck cops. Good.

Here's the question I'm asking. Why don't Americans EVER riot? That little demonstration in front of City Hall by twelve people doesn't count. 10% of Americans are unemployed.  According to the Census, the US population is about 308 million people. That means 38 million people do not have a job. Okay, so maybe only like a quarter of them are pissed, the others are too dumb to be mad. That is still like 8 million people. In Rome there were only like 3,000 kids at the protest, and the article says there was a "core" of like 200 kids. So they are like throwing tomatoes and smoke bombs at cops, with only 200 people. If the unemployed, or the young people getting jacked by Federal cuts to education, just stand the fuck up and and protest, trust me, people will hear.

But instead in America we sit. We are mad, but we sit in our homes, hoping someone crazier will do something drastic to change the country. We elect progressive presidents. We find out they have no spine when the rubber meets the road. What we need is not another politician. We need people who want change not just sit at home bitching to whoever will listen, if you are mad, do something.

In Europe the governments are not much better than ours. But one basic principle is. The government is afraid of the people, not the other way around as in the US. We the people are the first three words of the Constitution. In French, Germany, Italy, people riot and fuck shit up when they are mad. Fucking a, for all the bad rap the French take from idiot Americans, they fucking burn cars and shit when they want change. WHY DON'T WE?

Case and point, the US government is thinking of raising the retirement age here, people are mad, but nothing is happening. In France Sarkozy wants to do the same, so French teenagers blocked off streets and burned motherfucking cars. This is how it should be, there are more of us than politicians. They should fear us. Watch the cops in this video, they are looking around like "Oh, fuck." Do you EVER see American cops like this? We should change that.

1 comment:

  1. i can think of a couple reasons off the bat: 1-America is the number one couch potato country in the universe, fat and lazy doesn't equal out and protesting 2-we have a ridiculous mix of religions, races, backgrounds, etc and we aren't exactly taught to be accepting of each other. unemployed hillbillies aren't about to go marching with unemployed blacks and unemployed arabs and shit upon legal hispanics (i've never met an unemployed hispanic).
