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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coed Magazine:Another Smoking Article by Non-Smokers

So last week I talked about Coed Magazine's article about people you shouldn't smoke with. It was okay, but I could tell a non-stoner wrote it. Well, today they dropped "6 Buzzkilling Topics To Avoid When Smoking Up". It's not good.

for instance:
Starving People
You’ll announce you are hungry when some hippie will announce that “there’s starving children somewhere in the world.” Of course there are, but nobody wants to think about that when you’re getting high. It’s not like getting baked is making more innocents suffer. Am I supposed to send my packet of Dunk-a-roos to Africa, buddy?

This is so stupid I can only laugh at it. I have never smokng with someone who talks about starving people when I say I need to eat a ton of food right now. You know why? Real people don't talk about that when you're high. What the fuck, even hippies don't care about Africa when there are Funions around. And if I did encounter someone like this, I would look over, eyes as red as the Devil's dick, and say "Shut the fuck up." And keep crushing Funions.

They go on to talk about how talking about cops is a buzzkill. Way to be original and not just pick the easiest thing ever. "When you're doing something illegal, mentioning authorities is a buzzkill." Well done.

The most annoying one on this list is the last one "How High You Aren't". I don't know what you're doing to have someone you are smoking with not be high, but it must be retarded. Roll up a fat blunt, pass it around a few times, and no one will be saying they aren't high. Problem solved. Fucking rooks. They must be passing around a joint between 8 people so numbers 3-8 just bitch about not being high.

I'm not trying to be a hater, but articles like this make it too easy.

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