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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4:20: Wiz Finally Gets Pinched

Reports all over the net are coming in that Wiz Khalifa's tour bus got raided after a shot at ECU. If this fucks up the tour schedule I'm sure I won't be alone in flipping shit. Full Story and video here.

Can I just point out to all the Wiz fans out there that this was bound to happen. I mean the guy is an avid stoner, there are videos of him smoking before, during, and after shows. I wonder why rappers never learn this lesson.

There should be like an armored Suburban with two huge security goons that drives behind the tour bus, with all the weed and drugs and guns. I mean c'mon man. Pay the dudes good money, tell him if they do time you got the lawyer and all that. Take care of their families etc. It's just good business. Better to write a few checks than do time. We've all seen Wiz, kid is skinny as shit, put him in general population and we got issues. When you go around singing about smoking weed and talking about how you spend like ten gee's a month on bud it's gunna happen.

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