Reading Now:
Super Power Syndrome - Robert Jay Lifton
The Death and Rebirth of American Radicalism - Stanley Aronowitz
Recent Reads:
Opium - Jean Cocteau. This is the first Cocteau I've ever read and if you are interested in books about drug addiction this is pretty damn good. It is diary snippets from Cocteau's fight with opium addiction and recovery. Included are some pretty far-out sketches by the author.
On Writing - Steven King. A must-have for any aspiring writer, the tips and tricks are excellent although at the end of the book you still get the feeling that the one thing that got King to where he is now is raw talent, and that cannot be taught.
The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
god is not Great - Christopher Hitchens. Hitchens writes for Vanity Fair and is a stout Atheist. But fear not, this book is steeped in logic, not just Jesus bashing. Great read for the devout Catholic or the doubting Atheist.
How I Became a Famous Novelist - Steve Hely. This story is awesome for any aspiring writer who is in college, just how the title describes it, it tells about the authors journey from couch-hugging slacker to published novelist.
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway. One of Hemingway's great novels, set in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. It has everything a good story should, love, war, and wine by the barrel.
Islands in the Stream - Ernest Hemingway. This is one of my favorites of all time. It's the story of life on the high seas, chasing Germans in the Caribbean, and trying to raise a family. It has the typical Hemingway drunken somberness, but as is life.
The Town - Chuck Hogan. The movie was pretty damn good, the book is ten times better, as usual.
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell - Tucker Max. The classic book that actually gets young men to crack one open, a book not a beer. Hilarious stories, to the point of being unbelievable, but we've all had a Tucker Max night or two.
Medium Raw - Anthony Bourdain
Such a raw and gritty commentary on current food culture, "foodies" and his arch-nemesis, The Food Network is bound to entertain. Bourdain writes how he talks, real and raw, and he holds nothing back. A must read for Tony fans.
Assholes Finish First - Tucker Max. Another awesome saga of Tucker in his later pimping years, after I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. My review of it is here.
My Need to Read List:
The Corrections - Franzen
For the Win - Cory Doctorow
Suck on this Year - Denis Leary
On Writing - Ernest HemingwayThe Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Steg Larsson
Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin