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Friday, June 17, 2011

Weiner: to Hustler?

Alright I'm not going to beat a dead Weiner. Anthony Weiner has been dragged through the mud for sending pictures of his junk to an ex pornstar. He broke no laws, the only one who should be pissed is his wife. But whatever. Anyway now Hustler wants him.

Who wants some Weiner?!

From the NY Daily News:
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt wants to put Anthony Weiner's ravaged career back online.
The disgraced ex-congressman, forced from office over salacious Twitter pics and raunchy sexting, was offered a job by the veteran porn purveyor in his internet operation.

"This offer is not made in jest," Flynt wrote in a letter via The Huffington Post within hours of Weiner's Brooklyn resignation Thursday.
Just to prove it, Flynt offered Weiner a 20% raise on his congressional salary to about $200,000 a year along with medical benefits and relocation costs to California.

The pragmatic Flynt said he believes the randy ex-representative could become an asset for his Beverly Hills-based empire.

"I feel that your unfortunate resignation is a prime example of unfounded political pressure and the hypocrisy that has invaded democracy in Washington D.C.," wrote Flynt, who once offered a $1 million bounty for information about GOP sexual shenanigans.

Ah man, gotta love Larry Flynt. Hef is getting left at the altar by his bombshell finacee, and Flynt is just out there grinding trying to hire people who...could become an asset to Hustler? Whatever, I don't get it either. But if I were Weiner I'd hop on out to California and get myself paid. Big old fuck you to America. Go out in style.

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