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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thanks Miley Cyrus, You Just Fucked Salvia

Alright, now even though Salvia has been around forever apparently no old people knew about it until the video came out of Miley Cyrus ripping it out of a bong. TMZ got the footage of course.

So now everyone over 25 is like, wait what the fuck is Salvia? And of course they find some new drug and think it's like smoking heroin or something. Adi Jaffe, Ph.D. wrote this article about it for Huffington Post.

Look, most people I know don't even like Salvia. Most people become paranoid pussies when they do any drugs, much less a drug that makes you immediately trip your face off. Listen, old unhip Americans, can you just shut the fuck up and realize that both you and Miley Cyrus are way behind the times. Experimenting with Salvia isn't cool anymore, why give it attention so it becomes cool again? Morons. I thought you guys hate drugs? So don't bring attention to them. By the way, its legal in New York. Get your trip on for Miley people, and please, unlike her rookie ass, clear the bong the first time.

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