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Monday, March 28, 2011

Steve-O Arrested Eh?

Is there anything shittier than getting arrested on an 8-year-old warrant? Nope. You forgot about the incident, and were just hoping the cops would too. Think again Steve-O.

From TMZ:
Law enforcement sources confirm ... Steve-O was stopped by customs when he got off an airplane at Calgary International Airport ... when officials noticed there was an outstanding warrant out for his arrest.

We're told the warrant was issued back in 2003 -- for an incident in which Steve-O allegedly attacked somebody with an unknown object. So far, the identity of the victim is unclear.

Steve-O was placed behind bars for a short while -- before going in front of a judge. He was eventually released on $10,000 Canadian ($10,216.60 U.S.) bail ... which the actor had to pay IN CASH.

Steve-O is due back in court in May. 

Wait, what the fuck. He attacked someone with an "unknown object"?  That seems like a pretty big hole in the story. Like was it a 10 inch knife or a black dildo? It seems like a glaring hole in the police's case. I wouldn't put it past that crazy fuck to smack someone with a crack pipe or something. Just fucking stupid. Canadians don't play that shit bro.

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