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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coed Mag's 5 Dudes You Should Never Smoke With

Alright Coed Magazine came out with an article titled "5 Types of People you Should Never Smoke With". The five guys they say you shouldn't smoke with are as follows:

1. "Won't Shut up Guy" - He gets a little ripped and won't shut up. Turns every conversation into storytelling time.

2. Wetlip Guy - Enough said.

3. Over-the-top Guy - He wears 4/20 tee shirts and always talks about weed and smoking etc.

4. Lighter Stealer

5. "Can I meet Your Guy? Guy" - He is that awkward acquaintance who asks about your dealer etc.

Alright, first of all, I think that this list was clearly not developed by a real stoner. A real stoner would have changed a few things...

#4 Lighter Stealer Guy. This is a little bit of bullshit because at some point we all light up something with someone's lighter and automatically toss it in your pocket without thinking. A real stoner has like 500 lighters all over the place anyway, so #4 is kind of bullshit.

#1 Won't Shut Up Guy. Alright so won't shut up guy is annoying, but sometimes rambling high with a group of people leads to the most funny and ridiculous conversations ever. So I forgive won't shut up guy, he has his uses.

#5. This is what I have the biggest problem with. I mean if someone you hardly know asks about your connect, that is weird. But I usually only inhale with people I know well and am friends with. We compare bud and dealers all the time. It's not a big deal. Fucking rookie smokers are paranoid and think anyone who wants to talk business is an undercover cop. Yeah I'm sure the police are stinging you for an eighth, douchebag.

And I would add a few people to the list instead of #4, #1 and #5.

my #1: Gets Too High Guy. Everyone is different. Some people are used to smoking fat blunts, some people are used to ripping bongs for hours. But some people smoke a spliff between three people and are retarded. So when you smoke a fat blunt and you can tell someone's brain is melted, it's awkward. I mean we all get too high every now and then. But you know the guy, he either becomes won't shut up guy; or even sketchier, he becomes "too high to talk guy".

my #4: Thinks he's a weed scientist guy. Alright, people know varying amounts of information about weed. But some people think that while they are smoking, they need to divulge everything they know about weed, it's enough to make you want to kill them before their next hit. It's especially annoying when you are all having a casual conversation about weed and someone makes it annoyingly scientific. It's like okay fucking weed doctor, we're just smoking a blunt, so shut the fuck up.

So Coed Magazine, your list was okay, but you guys need to get high more. I bet the writer of that articles fit into one of the categories he says not to smoke with. Pussy.

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