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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Android Just got Fucked

From NY Times:
A federal agency ruled on Monday that a set of important features commonly found in smartphones are protected by an Apple patent, a decision that could force changes in how Google’s Android phones function.

The ruling, by the United States International Trade Commission, is one of the most significant so far in a growing array of closely watched patent battles being waged around the globe by nearly all of the major players in the mobile industry. These fights reflect the heated competition among the companies, especially as Android phones gain market share. 

At the heart of the disputes are the kind of small but convenient features that would cause many people to complain if they were not in their smartphones. For example, the case decided Monday involves the technology that lets you tap your finger once on the touch screen to call a phone number that is written inside an e-mail or text message. It also involves the technology that allows you to schedule a calendar appointment, again with a single tap of the finger, for a date mentioned in an e-mail. 

Droid does...less

Well Android, seems like at least a few cool things you can do on your phone just got removed. I mean it might not seem like much, but it sounds like Iphone just forced Android to find their own method of one-touch calling and shit. Back to the drawing board bitches. Now HTC has to remake those features before they can work on new ones. Apple may be the devil, but damn they are bullies in the marketplace. You can't out-think them, that's for sure.

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