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Sunday, November 14, 2010

When you Turn 21...Sunday Reflections

When you turn 21 you go through the weirdest right of passage there is in America. You've already been drinking since you stole that bottle of captain and got shit housed with three friends in your basement when you were sixteen. You are a veteran of the sauce, as it were.

But when you turn 21, a strange thing happens. Regardless of your underage alcoholism, you are basically forced to drink until you physically cannot old anything down. Like 21st birthdays are alcohol poisoning in a can. I'm not knocking it, don't get me wrong I love tradition.

So I wake up after this bender of a weekend and what is this shit? Dudes are getting fed their own beards in Kentucky.

This guy is such a pussy. Dude, be thankful you only had to eat your beard. There were knives and guns out? You coulda been eating steel for that fucking lawn mower. This is pure Americana, it should go under wikipedia as "Kentucky Negotiations".

Kentucky Negotiations - a custom, practiced exclusively in Kentucky, where person accused of mis-dealings has facial hair removed and is fed said facial hair. Look pussy, at least you didn't get shot or stabbed.

In other news, the Celtics are filthy, if you didn't see the game, peep the highlights. At the 22 mark Rondo makes a grown ass man move.

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