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Friday, January 14, 2011


The Iowa State Daily's January 12th Issue accidentally condones rape. How hilarious is that? In a sidebar titled "Who Can Give Consent?" the paper listed off who can give consent to sexual activity. It meant to say people who can't give consent, but they printed it not me, so I'll run with it. The list includes:

  • Persons who are asleep or unconscious
  • Persons who are incapacitated due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication
  • Persons who are unable to communicate consent due to a physical or mental condition
  • Generally, minors under the age of 16
Seems like a solid list to me. I mean if someone is asleep it would be rude to wake them up to ask for consent, that's just common courtesy. If they are too fucked up off of drugs or alcohol, that's consent in itself isn't it? I thought so. And if they can't communicate consent, will it's like innocent until proven guilty. There is consent until there isn't. And people under 16 are the stupidest people ever, so why even give them the chance to give you consent? Don't bother, fuck it.

I bet in the last two days rapes on the Iowa State campus have gone up like 7000%. I mean the last thing you want to tell college guys is that those people are consenting. Fuck the strip club! Let's hit the high school, yeah not seniors, freshman yehaaaaaaaaw. Man this shit is so funny, I love it.

When in doubt, rape 'em!

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