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Monday, January 24, 2011

Skins: Getting Dropped like a Booty in Harlem

Well, I give "Skins" about another month after this bullshit. So the show is so racy that Taco Bell dropped it's ads in the show. Okay, that seems normal. But then, H&R Block, Wrigley and G.M. also pulled their sponsorships. Now, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Subway is also jumping ship.

All this seems to be stemming from the push by the Parental Television Council's bitching. They are now pushing the Justice Department and Senate and House Judiciary Committees to investigate the show. They allege that Viacom, who owns MTV, knowingly ran child pornography.

Well kids, enjoy "Skins" while it lasts, because guess what, when a show stops making it money, its out of there. If no sponsors will touch this shit with a ten-foot pole, then MTV will drop it faster than you can say "Eat Fresh." This is how money runs our country, and my bet is Skins doesn't see it to the end of this first season. Ratings are fine, but ads make money, not pre-teen eyeballs.

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