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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Banking 'em to the Bank

So last night at the Celtic's game they did that half-time shtick where someone gets to try for a half-court shot for $25,000. Angel Martinez of Worchester banked that baby in, and make 25 k.

From the Telegram:
BOSTON —  Angel Martinez, 21, of Worcester sank a half-court shot at halftime of last night's Celtics game to win $25,000 from Cumberland Farms.

Martinez and the other nine winners of halftime shooting contests throughout the season were invited back, and they each took one shot from half court. Martinez was the only one who sank the shot.

Martinez took a running start and banked in his shot with his wife, Sasha, watching.

“At first, it shocked me,” Martinez said. “I thought I was going to get disqualified because I went over the line, but Lucky (the Celtics mascot) said I was good.”

Martinez said he practiced for his half-court shot only once, and he made three of 11 shots near his home behind UMass Memorial Hospital.

Martinez works in housekeeping for Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center in Worcester.

Martinez can use some of the money for a birthday present for his daughter, Joandali, who will turn 4 Sunday. The young couple also has a 1-year-old daughter, Kaylianne.

“I'll put a little away for my kids,” Martinez said, “and I'll put a down payment on a house.” 

Alright I love this type of shit. The fans get entertained, and this poor fuck gets some cake. But imagine if Lucky called him out for crossing the line? Nope no 25 gee's for you sir, I saw that fucking toe cross. Just crushing his spirit. But Lucky is better than that.

Lucky will allow it!
Also on the bright side the fucking Celtics are the only Boston team that's worth shit right now. They crushed the 76ers after all the hype about how that could be their matchup for the first round. I guess they showed what the fuck they think of that. 99-82, see you in the playoffs Sixers. Evan Turner was the high point man for the game though. 21 from the young buck.

And don't cry about the Sox just yet, although I am starting to wonder if they will win a game before May. I'd say its 50/50 right now.

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