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Monday, April 11, 2011

I Thought Nightsticks Worked?

Dude, I've seen and held a nightstick before and those shits are heavy as fuck. When you get cracked with one, it seems like a no-brainer to go down. But the in thing is to taze people. This video has been all over everywhere but in case you haven't seen it I got to show love to this Pittsburgh Pirates fan being a bastard and taking nightstick hit after hit before getting tazed at a Pirates game.

From the NY Daily News:
Pittsburgh cops have been caught on video clubbing and Tasering a drunk and unruly fan at a Pirates game in front of a horrified crowd.

Police said they feared for their lives after Scott Ashley, of Friendship, Pa., attacked an usher and then shook off a Taser shot and a flurry of billy club strikes when they tried to boot him from Saturday's game for being drunk.

In the video, an officer and a young usher escort Ashley from the stands while the crowd boos and defiantly chants "USA! USA!"

Moments later, Ashley nails the baby-faced usher with a forearm for trying to block a high-five from another fan.

The officer then fires the Taser, but it has little effect on the bald, burly fan.

Moments later, the bludgeoning begins, as two officers repeatedly club the enraged fan in the head, neck and legs.

Ashley tries to run, but the cops eventually wrestle him to the ground and cuff him as shocked fans look on.

We salute you Scott Ashley for being the only person who cares about spring baseball enough to get tasered at an April game.

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