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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day: The Issues

I do have a soul, and I salute our men and women abroad and domestic who fight for our freedom. I really do, but I'm also appalled by how this country treats our veterans. It's really shameful that on this of all days everyone's spouting Veterans Day crap and we have 'Nam vets who can't eat and Iraq vets who can't get mental treatment for PTSD and the like. it's sad. Here are Huffington Post's 10 Issues Affecting Student Vets.

America thanks you veterans, we send you poor bastards into wars you cannot win for little to no logical purpose. We expect you to just blend back into the civilian populace after facing the horrors of war. And we sell you out by not removing you from danger as soon as it is prudent. Beat Blathering salutes our veterans, and apologizes for how you may be mistreated at home.

You may not support the war, but support our troops "over there."

1 comment:

  1. Columbia economist joseph stiglitz wrote a book called the three trillion dollar war with some female. it breaks it all down very properly.
