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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Soldiers are Insane Motherfuckers

I love our boys in uniform (no homo). I mean I think it takes a lot of balls to do probably the worst job ever. The emotional trauma of having to kill people and be shot at, the boredom of being in a war with no action (see Jarhead ). I mean, it is truly crazy shit that they have to go through. And it makes them crazy. Look at this video.

Testing A 40mm Riot Grenade Launcher

Okay, apparently twenty bucks is all it takes for this guy to get gut-blasted with a riot grenade? For me it'd be closer to 500 samolians. Like how fucking bored can you be where this becomes something you actually consider doing? I mean maybe I'd like get pepper-sprayed or tear-gassed or something. But have you ever played COD? If you hit a motherfucker with the grenade launcher it blows them into next fucking month. Even if this isn't a real grenade, this shit is insane. That dubsack he bought with the twenty bucks must have been the best toke of his life. I hope so. Crazy fucks. I'm glad they're on our fucking team, you think Al Qaeda does shit like this? Doubt it.

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