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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ben & Jerry's Pissing Off Moms Everywhere

Dude do these parent groups have no shame? Going after innocent old Ben and Jerry and their ice cream company in Vermont. I mean they probably give back more than any other company, and they make awesome ice cream. Their ridiculous names for their products is the problem this time.

Put 'em in your mouth

From Newser:
It turns out, not everyone wants to eat something called “Schweddy Balls.” OneMillionMoms, a sub-group of the American Family Association, is calling for a boycott on the troublemakers at Ben & Jerry’s over this “vulgar new flavor.” In a newsletter to their supporters, spotted by Perez Hilton, the group says the flavor “has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive.” 

The moms understand that the name is a riff on an old Alec Baldwin Saturday Night Live sketch, they just don’t think it’s funny, complaining that it’s “not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket.” They’re also still annoyed over last year’s “Hubby Hubby” flavor celebrating gay marriage. “It seems that offending customers has become an annual tradition for Ben & Jerry’s,” they tut.

Is this how far political correctness has come? You can't even reference something somewhat crude on your own fucking ice cream?! And really you're going to bash on Hubby Hubby too? What the fucking fuck. If I were Ben and Jerry I'd name the next flavor "Mommy needs a Hobby" just to prove a fucking point. You don't want your kid asking for Schweddy Balls in Hannaford? Well just wait until little Suzie becomes a coke-whore and starts asking for Schweddy balls on her forehead.

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